Thursday, May 17, 2007


AJ Demers
Director / Dramaturgy

A.J Demers is a Calgary-based writer, director, actor, and producer. AJ has written and performed over 50 episodes of The Spin for City T.V. Calgary: a news and current events satire segment that airs weekly for which he has won a Sam Ross Award for best editorial coverage in the Prairie Region from the Radio, Television News Directors Association. An Award that AJ believes is has one of the longest titles in the industry. AJ has been involved in numerous professionally produced plays and performances and over a thousand improvised shows At Loose Moose and around the world. He was a member of Bjorn Again: The Abba Experience, an international touring show He also co-wrote Bad Grad (Buck Assembled Artists) with Jen Roberts and Sara Bynoe for the 2006 High Performance Rodeo. A.J’s eclectic writing and performing career has also had him write and direct for Adrenaline: Magic that Rocks for a national touring production at Atlantic City. In addition to his stage writing A.J wrote a short independent film, The Fabulous Eddie and is a producer and Host of Friday Night Late; A live to stage talk show at Loose Moose theatre.

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